Scottish Nudibranchs & Sea Slugs

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 Duvaucelia lineata (Alder & Hancock, 1848)

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata




Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

Duvaucelia lineata

For more information about this species go to one of the links below.
OPK - OpistobranquisNudibranchs of the British IslesSea Slug Forum

If you have any corrections, comments or suggestions please e-mail me.